Every month,on the third or fourth Thursday evening,the meeting of our neighborhood association (cho-nai kai) is scheduled.I attended the meeting today.
At the meeting,we discussed and decided the annual plan and the budget for 2011 fiscal year.On Thursday next week (April 28),the annual general meeting is going to be held,and the plan and the budget will be approved by the people in the neighborhood.
By the way,there are nine sections in our neighborhood association,including the sections of general affairs,accounts,culture,children care,health and sports, welfare,women,accident and crime prevention,administration of the neigborhood club house.I am a vice-chairperson of the association.
In the annual plan, there are such events as the spring and autumn cleaning-up days,spring and autumn one-day trips,traffic safety training for children and seniors,growing flowers in the flower beds,a sports day,the summer festival,the Bon dance festival,an emergency drill,tea parties for single seniors,the selebration banquet for the aged people,the New Year party, and so on.In addition, I,as a vice-chairperson,must sometimes work to take care of neighbor's funeral.
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