For the first time in the history of Japanese soccer, Nadeshiko Japan, Japanese national team, advanced to the final of the 2011 Women's World Cup Soccer in Germany by defeating the Swedish national team by 3-1. The final will be played against USA, which is ranked No.1 in the world on the early morning of next Monday. Japanese soccer fans look forward to the match hoping Japan will win.
Prime minister Naoto Kan announced at a news conference on July 13 that Japan will gradually decrease its reliance on nuclear power. And the ultimate goal will be to achieve a nuclear power plant-free country. I quite agree with him, but he didn't tell about the process to achieve it in detail.
The constant cooling system of the Fukushima nuclear power plant using nitogen gas is reported to be working. It is good news, but it means only the first step of the controling the wrecked power plant is cleared. On the other hand, beef contaminated with radioactivity was newly found in Fukushima prefecture. The beef has already been sold in some areas including Hokkaido. Those cow are reported to be fed contaminated fodder.
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